My professional background
Licensed Social Worker in Germany
Group Facilitator Training
Certified Practitioner for Ayurveda, Seattle, WA
Certified Practitioner for Energy Work, Seattle, WA
Child- and Family Therapist,WA
Parent Educator
Waldorf School Aftercare teacher, WA
Energy Work since 2007
Places lived
I grew up and lived in Germany and England until 1998,
then moved to beautiful Whidbey Island near Seattle, WA
in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.
I visited India (Kerala) and lived for over 2 years in Kapaa on Kauai/Hawaii.
I stayed in Ajijic, Mexico and now live and work near Portland, Oregon.
971- 251 0477
Interview with Gabi on the Beyond50RadioShow
"Energy Work as a Tool for Growth and Transformation"
with Daniel Davis
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Interview with Gabi
Importance of Energy Clearings, 2015 by TV host Pauline
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Metaphysical Fair
In 2009 I created a forum for intuitive and alternative practitioners under the name "Wellness Fair" at New Renaissance Bookshop in Portland, OR. 16 years later it still continues under the name Metaphysical Fair. You can find us there every second Saturday of the month from 1 - 5 pm.
Mini sessions from a variety of practitioners such as intuitive and energy work.